Recent News

Meet Eric


Eric McDougle was a homeless veteran living in transitional housing and needed a place where he could use free job search resources.  


Meet Janice


When Janice Brinkley was 17, pregnant, and no longer attending high school, she decided the best way to set herself and her unborn child on a better path was to earn her GED.

Meet Jamila


Jamila left school at 19 years old because, she says, she “wasn’t focused.” 

Meet Cornerstone Staffing


Cornerstone Staffing needed to fill multiple warehouse positions as soon as possible.

Meet John


“I wanted employment, period. I wanted stability. And I knew I needed my GED to get a job.” That’s what brought John, 22, to the Westside Youth Opportunity (YO) Center in 2009.

Mayor Rawlings-Blake to Celebrate Grand Opening of Employment Connection Center

Center to serve residents and businesses in the South and Southwest Baltimore Communities


Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake along with the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development (MOED) and the Baltimore Local Development Corporation will join representatives from the Horseshoe Casino, and the business community to announce the grand opening of the Employment Connection Center (ECC), which will serve residents and businesses in the Casino Impact area as well as South and Southwest Baltimore

Second Chance Graduates its Tenth Deconstruction Training Class

Second Chance’s tenth deconstruction training class graduated today at the nonprofit’s workforce development and job training center at 1700 Ridgely Street in downtown Baltimore. The program, a longtime collaboration between Second Chance, Inc. and the Baltimore City Mayor’s Office of Employment Development (MOED), provides training in marketable, “green economy” job skills to people with multiple barriers to employment.

Meet Baltimore Corps

Baltimore Corps Logo

Baltimore Corps came into the Baltimore Career Center at Eutaw on June 24, 2015 wanting to hire youth fourteen (14) to twenty-four (24) years of age for summer jobs. They were primarily trying to find youth in the Sandtown-Winchester community and other designated areas.

Mayor Rawlings-Blake Announces Expansion of Summer Jobs Program for Baltimore City Youth

Today, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake joined OneBaltimore Chairman Michael Cryor, representatives of the Mayor's Office of Employment Development (MOED), and leaders of the business and philanthropic communities to announce the City achieved its goal to provide summer jobs to the nearly 8,000 young people registered for Youth Works, the City summer jobs program.

63 Baltimore City Students Graduate from Youth Opportunity (YO) Baltimore Programs

Baltimore, Maryland (June 10, 2015) – Youth Opportunity (YO) Baltimore hosted a special graduation event this evening for its 2015 class of 63 teens and young adults who chose to pursue alternative education after facing challenges in traditional settings. The event honored 47 graduates from the YO Academy, an alternative high school operated in partnership with Baltimore City Public Schools, and 16 young people who earned their Maryland high school diplomas through the city’s two YO centers in East and West Baltimore. The graduation was held at Johns Hopkins University’s Shriver Hall. Dr. LaMarr Darnell Shields delivered the keynote address.
