Recent News

700 Youth Scheduled to Participate in Baltimore’s National Youth Service Day Projects – April 11-13, 2003

700 Youth Scheduled to Participate in Baltimore’s 
National Youth Service Day Projects – April 11-13, 2003 

Employ Baltimore staff completes training to better support businesses in meeting workforce needs

Employ Baltimore staff completes training 
to better support businesses in meeting workforce needs 

Baltimore promotes its Digital Learning Labs during National Black Family Technology Awareness Week

Baltimore promotes its Digital Learning Labs during 
National Black Family Technology Awareness Week

Yo! Baltimore Selected As Lead Agency For The 15th Annual National Youth Service Day, April 11-13th

Yo! Baltimore Selected As Lead Agency For The 15th Annual National Youth Service Day, April 11-13th

Westside YO! Center Re-opens its Doors and Arms to Youth

For Immediate Release

Media Contacts:

Youth Opportunity (YO!) Movement Celebrates with Performance and Awards

For Immediate Release

Media Contacts:

Mayor's Office of Employment Development Celebrates Largest Summer Jobs Program to Date

Mayor's Office of Employment Development Celebrates Largest Summer Jobs Program to Date

Baltimore to Host One-Stop/Faith-Based Symposium

For Immediate Release

Media Contacts:

Baltimore Chosen to Participate in National League of Cities’ Transitional Jobs Initiative

Baltimore Chosen to Participate in National League of Cities’ Transitional Jobs Initiative 

YO! Baltimore Hosts Youth Conference

YO! Baltimore Hosts Youth Conference

For Immediate Release
