Rawlings-Blake, GBC President Don Fry to Encourage Private Sector Hiring For YouthWorks Through Hire One Youth Initiative



Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Caron A. Brace


Rawlings-Blake, GBC President Don Fry to Encourage Private Sector Hiring For YouthWorks Through Hire One Youth Initiative

Hire One Youth Participants, including Wells Fargo & Johns Hopkins, to Discuss Mutual Benefit of Public-Private Partnership

WHAT: Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and Greater Baltimore Committee President and CEO Donald C. Fry will announce the progress of Hire One Youth, which is the private-sector hiring component of Baltimore City’s nationally recognized YouthWorks summer jobs program, and encourage companies to hire at least one job-ready youth this summer.

Each year, approximately 5,000 youth, between the ages of 14 and 21, are offered six-week summer employment opportunities through YouthWorks, where they develop familiarity with the workplace, become better prepared to meet employers’ expectations, and gain exposure to career opportunities in a variety of industries.

In 2012, Mayor Rawlings-Blake launched Hire One Youth with a team of local business leaders led by Fry to encourage Baltimore's private sector employers to join the city in creating valuable summer employment opportunities for Baltimore’s teens and young adults. 

TODAY: Tuesday, May 13, 2014; 9:30 am

WHERE: Wells Fargo Bank, 7 St. Paul Street, Room 401

* Media must stop at the security desk in the lobby and provide identification for access to the 4th floor.

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