Meet Sherrie
Tuesday Nov 15th, 2016
Sherrie Webb is a Client Curriculum & Training Coordinator at Catholic Charities Weinberg Housing and Resource Center.
Ms. Webb had the BEST answer ever when asked why did she decide to hire YouthWorks participants? “Because my very first job was with YouthWorks!! I worked at a summer camp site and had such a wonderful experience. I want to give youth the opportunity to gain skills in order to contribute to society.
Workforce Solution
Having the YouthWorks participants for both five-week summer cycles was a win-win for everyone. Ms. Webb and other staff were thankful to have such great help with the day-to-day tasks of the center. The young people learned work skills and developed character and the residents gained social skills as they interacted with the youth.
“I believe in the importance of each one, reach one, teach one, said Ms. Webb. “Teach one person a skill – take self out of it – and focus on uplifting our community.” I encourage other agencies and businesses to join with YouthWorks and take the opportunity to teach and train our future.
Outcomes & Benefits
Our young people have provided assistance with critical workloads this summer from filing and copying to creatively organizing the activities calendar and managing supplies. Their interaction with our residents has been rewarding on so many levels. I look forward to being a YouthWorks site again next summer.”